Monday 3 November 2008

Media Keywords

anchor woman- the key presenter of a news or current affairs transmission who provides continuity links and creates an identity for the programme- This is Alison (the protagonist's) job in my chosen text.

archetype- an often repeated character type or representation which is instantly recognisable to an audience- representation of women- Alison (sex object, career woman, emotional and caring)

feminism- political movement to advance the status of women by challenging values, social constructions and socioeconomic practices which disadvantage women and favour men
  • liberation of culture 1960s
- feminists would argue that Alison is being objectified in her job and by ben and his friends...this can also be related to marxist feminism.

Levi- Strauss, Claude (1908-90)-Established theory of binary oppositions- this is relevant to my study as there are several binary oppositions throughout the film, such as men vs women....stupidity vs intelligence etc.

Male Gaze- term used by Laura Mulvey in her essay "Visual Pleasures and Narrative Cinema" (1975) to describe what she saw as the male point of view adopted by the camera for the benefit of an assumed male audience. - this will relate to my study as it is affiliated with the representation of women and how people like "Ben" view Alison.

Marxist Feminism- a feminist perspective which sees capitalism as the principle source of gender inequalities
  • In a capitalist class hierarchy, women are seen as being subordinate to men and serving the male workforce in terms of low paid, low status employment and unpaid domestic labour and child rearing.
  • The media and culture industries serve the interests of capitalism by reinforcing traditional gender roles and supporting the statusquo created by the dominant ideology.
- in my study i can discuss how Alison challenges these ideologies as she is a well educated career focused individual and also how she conforms to these ideologies as she is hired merely due to her appearance.

Mulvey, Laura (1941-)- feminist academic and media and film critic, responsible for developing theories of the male gaze in her 1975 essay "Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema"- Theorist for my study

narrative theory - a type of thinking that seeks to explain narrative structures and their relationship to wider cultural and genre related factors..

  • Narative theorists seek to deconstruct narratives in order to identify their common characteristics and component elements, e.g. Todorov, Levi- Strauss, Barthes, Propp.
- these theorists will be useful in determining different oppositions and theories within the film.

new man- a term used to describe a new type of masculinity identified and developed by advertising media in the 1980's in line with lifestyle marketing strategies.

  • The new man was said to be sensitive and caring, happy to share household responsibilities and in touch with his emotions.....
  • Advertising campaigns showed men in domestic and childcare roles, alongside career women in dominant roles.
-it can be perceived to an extent that Ben is an epitome of the new man after meeting Alison

romantic comedy- a film genre developed in 1930's Hollywood where the the two main protagonists are a man and a woman who seem to be at odds with each other but end up romantically involved. - this is the predominant genre of "Knocked Up"

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