Tuesday 16 December 2008

Contemporary adverts

This advert illustrates the "female gaze" and how the man is objectified which shows a dramatic change in society compared to historical adverts such as galaxy. However the close up of the womens faces and the fact that they are all attractive still purports the idea that women are to be looked at despite the actual contents of the advert which supports Laura Mulvey's theory of the "male gaze" in the audience

This advert shows egalitarian roles in the household. However despite the fc that roles are shared equally, the woman still completes her task more fficiently thus suggesting that women's roles are in the kitchen and conforming to stereotypical views.

This advert heavily challenges the conventions of the historical adverts as the men are shown to be pleasing the women. The idea of men doing housework is something which could never be imagines back in the 70s. Despite being presented as "the new man" the main character still holds masculine attributes such as watching football.

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