Sunday 1 February 2009

How did the Women's Movement develop in the 1960s?

The movement argued that women were not content with being tied to the home. They wanted careers and campaigned against:

1. Low women’s wages- discrimination against women in the workplace

2. Overt sexism in society e.g. Playboy, Miss America

3. Demanded the right to control their own fertility (birth control)


Women became much more aware of their rights. Women’s pay gradually improved. Most people were aware of sexual discrimination and considered it wrong.

The birth control pill was widely available after 1960.

Employment discrimination in Government jobs was ended. By the 1990s far more women had careers and many more were entering the professions.

The Civil Rights Movement grew to include the women's movement and achieved:

1963 - Equal Pay Act

1964 - Civil Rights Act on employment

1972 - Educational Amendment Act outlawing sexual stereotyping in school textbooks.

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