Wednesday, 10 September 2008

Potential Question?

*To what extent is the female portrayed as the more dominant and responsible figure in comparison to her male counterpart, with regards to the film "Knocked Up", and how does this challenge traditional stereotypes promulgated by other visual texts?


-maternal instinct- shows less dominance and thus opposes idea as the women is naturally considered to be more emotional.

-has a job and fends for family which agrees with statement

-Alison's sister is more controlling over her husband and makes all decisions....which contrasts with the ideological superiority of the male in the household (films to support idea?)

-is placed on television predominantly due to her appearance....thus suggesting image matters more which implies that she may also be considered inferior within the household.

-Ben gets a job and attempts to be involved in the baby's life- however lack of responsibility when he doesn't read birth books.

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