Monday 6 October 2008


demonstrate knowledge and application of the Key Concepts employed within
Media Studies and the evaluation of texts and ideas using the Key Concepts

I feel that I have applied the key concepts well to my text, particularly media language and representation. I have also ensured that each aspect is related back to my investigation, thus making the process easier when attempting to actually answer the question. By conducting a detailed migrain analysis of film clips and trailers, I have somewhat acquired a structure which I can use as a foundation to base my study upon, therefore aiding me to answer my question.

However, I believe more research should be conducted on “genre” and how particular aspects of “Knocked Up” adhere to the traditional comedic conventions in turn affecting how women are represented in the film. Additionally I need to focus on aspects of audience and institution and apply audience theories such as the “hypodermic needle model” and the “reception theory” to my investigation. Moreover, I could also construct a detailed migrain analysis of other visual texts that I am studying in relation to “Knocked Up” to enhance my knowledge around the subject.


· demonstrate knowledge and application of the wider contexts (historical, social, political, economic) relevant to Media Studies

-By studying a historical text and how roles of women in society have changed from more traditional to more dominant in the household, I will be able to cover the historical aspect of SHEP.

-The fact that I will include several theorists and ideologies, i.e. Ann Oakley will allow me to adhere to the social feature and demonstrate a greater knowledge of wider contexts within my investigation.


· demonstrate the ability to use appropriate investigative and research techniques in carrying out an independent study of a media text, topic or issue

When carrying out my research via the internet, I highlighted significant aspects which would prove relevant to my investigation and stated how they would relate to my question. However, I need to conduct more book research in order to present a wide variety of different sources I have used to aid my study. My question allows me to construct a balanced argument, on one side arguing how women’s roles have changed and the other arguing how they have not, thus permitting me to incorporate a range of theories and texts which will be used to substantiate both arguments. My hypothesis clearly states the aims of my investigation and the contemporary social issues surrounding it, such as patriarchy and feminism which are both affiliated with my study. Both the trailer and a short movie clip have been analysed in detail in order to demonstrate an understanding of how key elements in the film are significant in illustrating the changes undergone by women in media throughout the decades. I will also be analysing texts from historical periods and clips from other films such as “The Stepford Wives” and “Catwoman” to illustrate how women are portrayed in either an ideologically “traditional way” or sexually objectified and how this is similar or contradictory to the roles of women in “Knocked Up”.


· draw together understanding of Key Concepts, from different parts of the specification in order to make effective textual readings

· draw upon knowledge and application of a wide range of possible relevant contexts, in order to account for the characteristics of media texts

My blog research has highlighted key aspects of narrative theory as learnt last year, including Proppean theory, the theory of binary oppositions and the equilibrium theory which have all been incorporated when analysing my text. I have also referred to sociological theorists such as Ann Oakley who discuss the the role of women in households and Laura Mulvey who attempts to draw light upon the social prejudices against women in film. Moreover, different types of feminism including Marxist and Liberal will be considered. My blog draws attention particularly to representation; more focus will also be placed on genre. However, I should now concentrate on more global and political issues by regularly reading “Media Guardian”.


· apply critical ideas and principles to new situations – and demonstrate media literacy in responses to media texts

I have taken the initiative to carry out several research tasks myself; however I believe I must also begin to start analysing clips from other texts relevant to my study. Throughout conducting my research, I believe I have been a focused and motivated individual yet I feel I must now focus more independently.


· select and use forms and styles of writing appropriate to purpose and complex subject matter

· organise relevant information clearly and coherently, using specialist vocabulary when appropriate

· ensure text is legible, and spelling, grammar and punctuation are accurate, so that meaning is clear

I have used a wide range of media terminology throughout my blog research, however aesthetically the presentation of the blog could be more pleasing and organised as not all posts are chronologically ordered.

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